Welcome to the Quote Bank, the place to learn and absorb some knowledge from a few of the most influential people in history. It's a little habit I started a few months ago, taking a historical figure, recording five quotes that resonate with me, then moving into five quotes from a few people in some way connected to the first. I might start at Plato and end up at Homer, or start at Kerouac and move along to Hunter S. Thompson, thats the drill. You can totally try it yourself, maybe once a week, volume doesn't matter as much as habit. One thing I've found fascinating about this exercise is how often views and ideas are plagiarized by successful people from very diverse schools of thought, the context will change depending on time and place but the sentiments are often very similar. If you have any thinkers you believe I should delve into, leave a comment! Also I will try to suggest a further reading from every person I quote!
Enjoy, B