—‘Very good, and very close’ Olsen said ’In your book you mention something profound in the criticism of reality interference. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the substance of the work is, and I’m paraphrasing, the human mind is a powerful tool. If the custom and security of a society, give it, to start with, a strict foundation of rules. Order. These rules impart a method of learning and interacting with external stimulus, which ground the individual in purpose and process. This guides collective morality and substantiates the laws we present regarding science. Creativity, the conscious minds most valuable asset, is the concept of reaching outside these walls. Challenging norms and custom. Yet, these challenges are only possible with the structure present to begin with. As a result, playing with the individual conception of reality presents no value in the progression of cognitive development. For anything which removes the foundation of reality also removes the foundation of what it means to be human. To interact and connect with the physical nature of things, the material world, is what implies consciousness. We are, in this way, indistinguishable from our surroundings. As such, any duality will build a collective schizophrenia. One that cannot account for decisions made on either side of the veil’ Olsen paused before finishing. ‘is this somewhat correct?’—